Najpierw Dr House ktory powiedzial, ze tak czy siak musi wyjsc. Badz cool, a patrzac na karte pacjenta i widzac ze to czwarta dzidzia, powiedzial: Pani to powinna juz sama sobie przyjmowac porod.
First, Dr. House who said: anyway must get out. Be cool. and looking at the patient card and seeing its the fourth baby, said: You should deliver your baby by yourself.
Potem spotkalismy dr Lubicza, spoko gosc, ale jestem szczesliwy ze nie odbierze porodu.
Later we met dr Lubicz, cool guy, but im quite happy he will not be with us during birth.
Nie wiem czy mozna to nazwac dziwnym zbiegiem okolicznosci, ale w poczekalni byl tez Dr Alban. Generalnie nic nie mowil tylko sie usmiechal.
I do not know if you could call it a strange coincidence, but in the waiting room there was also Dr Alban. Generally, he didn't said a word but he smiled all the time.
Temu nie pozwolilem zeby badal moja zone. Na litosc Boska moglby byc moim dzieckiem.
I didn't let this guy to examine my wife. For goodness sake, he could be my son..
Przewinelo sie jeszcze wiele doktorow, ale nie zwaraclem na nich wiekszej uwagi.
There were a lot of different doctors later on, but i wasn't paying attention to them at all.
A tak na powaznie, dzis mamy kluczowa wizyte u naszego doktora.BADZCIE Z NAMI!
But seriously, today we have a key appointment with our doctor. STAY TUNED!